Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

Spesial untuk TIN 43 : Ayumi (GreeeeN)

Ingin berbagi kebahagiaan untuk TIN 43 yang sedang sibuk penelitian.

Tentu pernah mengalami rasa bosan, mengalami ‘stuck’, malas melanjutkan langkah karena seolah-olah jalan terjal di hadapan tak berujung terang, merasa ditertawakan, merasa kesal, diomongin sana-sini, gagal lagi dan lagi, tubuh mulai lemas tapi hasil penelitian masih melas…tenang kawan, Allah bertahta di atas segalanya. Dia tahu beban di pundakmu, Dia tahu lelah yang kau rasa. Tapi tersenyum dan dengarkanlah lagu ini Kawan!!! (Yang berminat bisa langsung minta ke Siska atau search di Google : download Ayumi-Greeen).

Lagu jepang ini adalah salah satu lagu favoritku. Pernah diputar saat Last Gathering TIN 43 di Gunung Bunder Februari lalu (saat makan malam, pas muter foto-foto perjalanan kita). Lagu ini sangat menginspirasi dan mengobarkan semangat kembali di saat-saat jiwa mulai sedikit lelah oleh semua hal yang sedang kita hadapi.
Tentu ga asyik kalo Cuma mendengarkan dan ga paham arti dan maksudnya. Karena itu, simak arti bait-bait liriknya (dalam bahasa Inggris) terutama yang di-bold di bawah ini. Insya Allah cukup inspiratif dan membuat kita bersemangat lagi penelitian, nge-draft, magang, seminar, kepanitiaan, organisasi, sidang, atau apapun yang sekarang sedang membebani pundak dan pikiranmu. Just Listen and enjoy it!!!.

We’re all lost in our thoughts, bearing various obligations
There are dreams we turn towards, while reaching out to others
Clench your teeth and lift your chin up
“Screw this! I’m not losing!” Steel your heart
And move forward little by little
Even if it’s muddy now a large flower will bloom one day
Place your hand on your heart and ask yourself, “Am I doing all I can?”
Come on, let’s go!!! Let’s make it better now
Realize that you’ll see tomorrow someday, each footstep is not in vain
Just be proud in these important days and let’s continue our “walk”
Everyone stumbles when things don’t go the way they planned
We think we’re the only ones and close our hearts, giving up
I felt pitiful when people made fun of me
I would blame someone else and run away
I couldn’t stand being so weak
Someday we’ll meet our ultimate selves
So you should laugh when you’re feeling miserable
Can you see what’s important?
Come on, let’s go!!! I know you can make it to your tomorrow
Realize that you will see it someday, each footstep becomes you
Raise your fist in these important days and let’s continue our “walk”
Hey yo! Just keep on walking it!!!
That’s all you need to do
Being special is nothing but a lie
Every walking day made you what you are now
I sweated as I moved forward and made myself, now here I stand
Don’t cry, don’t lose the heart to go after your enormous dream
Have unfading courage in your heart
The key that opens up the your unseen tomorrow
Realize that you’ll see tomorrow someday, each footstep is not in vain
Just be proud in these important days and let’s continue our “walk”
Realize that you will see it someday, each footstep becomes you
Raise your fist in these important days and let’s continue our “walk”


*Ayo bersama saling menyemangati dan menguatkan!!!